Sandwiches News
News: Totally Insanewiches
Insanewiches proves there are endless ways to dream up a sandwich- some slightly more edible than others. Get inspired (or nauseous):
News: Make Your Own Back-to-School Bento
If you have any little ones in your life (or you're simply a grown-up kid yourself), Just Bento has has posted Maki's Top 10 Bento Rules for Back-to-School. Rules listed below, click through for full explanations.
News: Yay or Nay? Inside-Out Grilled Cheese Sandwich
OK, so it sounds a little more complicated than it actually is, but this simple trick by Food Wishes looks pretty yummy to me. Why not put cheese inside and outside your grilled cheese sandwich? Here's how to do it:
News: Make a Rubik's Cubewich
From the blog Insanewiches, the cleverly assembled Rubik's Cubewich: "The Rubik’s Cube has confounded us for years. Maybe the sandwich version of this puzzling brain teaser will do the same. The Rubix Cubewich contains cubes of pastrami, kielbasa, pork fat, salami, and two types of cheddar."
News: World's Greatest Bento - Plastic Japanese Meal
Anna The Red is the greatest Bento artist I have come across on the web. She's so highly regarded she even did an ad for Google. Check it out: For those of you who don't know, Bento is a "single-portion takeout or home-packed meal common in Japanese cuisine". When bento is arranged in an elaborate style (such as people, animals, characters, plants, etc.) it is referred to as kyaraben or charaben (a shortened version of character bento).